Comment by GJim

Comment by GJim 2 days ago

1 reply

Completely the opposite.

Numerous studies show crime goes down when streetlights are turned off.

Simply put, you don't get scrotes hanging about in groups up to no good without lights, and anybody who is walking around is carrying a torch, making it obvious what they are doing (e.g. if you are breaking into a house, needing a torch instead of using a streetlight makes it obvious to everybody what you are doing).

No to mention a lack of streetlights makes if harder for somebody to hide in the shadows.

The real question to ask, is why people like yourself are 'terrified' [sic] of the dark. Statistics show the real truth of what you should be worried about.

Vampiero a day ago

> The real question to ask, is why people like yourself are 'terrified' [sic] of the dark.

Statistics show that people don't care about statistics but about confirmation bias and the media is eager to feed it.