Comment by hxegon

Comment by hxegon 2 months ago

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Honestly I don't see a lot of people praising China who are against the tiktok ban. It's not just that our opinion of China is high, it's that our opinion of the US government is very low and they are our government, so why be worried about a foreign power when you feel like your own government is actively setting you up to fail, lying to your face and doing horrible shit.

I'll definitely admit that China is doing some horrible shit. I'm not the most educated on all of their issues but from what I've seen it's not great. But I'm also not convinced that TikTok is as much of a critical intelligence/espionage tool as much as the government claims it is, and I've seen a very real positive influence on people's connection with each other, and a frankly insane amount of mutual aid content on tiktok.

I am seeing a lot of people talking about how they have discovered that Chinese people are very welcoming and polite when you talk to them online. IDK, maybe I'm just missing the pro-chinese government stuff you are.