Comment by pjmlp

Comment by pjmlp 2 months ago

2 replies

So better not buy any computing device.

Having been through the demoscene and home computing days since their birth, I can only laugh when calling Switch underpowered.

Hasu 2 months ago

> So better not buy any computing device.

I don't have this issue on other computing devices. My PC runs all the games I want to play on it very well. I can also upgrade the hardware whenever I want, unlike in my Switch.

> Having been through the demoscene and home computing days since their birth, I can only laugh when calling Switch underpowered.

What does this have to do with the fact that the Switch has performance issues with first party Nintendo games? Hardware power only makes sense when talking about the software you want to run on it. The Switch is underpowered for software released exclusively for it, by the company that makes it. It's not underpowered for NES games, sure, but neither is an NES.

stnmtn 2 months ago

The Switch 1 is certainly underpowered compared to what it's competing with in the market with right now. That's why Nintendo is making a switch 2.