Comment by f1shy

Comment by f1shy 2 months ago

2 replies

I absolutely love communication, meeting people, etc. as far as it makes sense! Typically is much better written. Everything can be forwarded, is documented, no misunderstandingsā€¦

kaffekaka 2 months ago

I agree about everything you wrote except the misunderstandings. Written communication absolutely can and do give rise to misunderstandings.

  • f1shy 2 months ago

    I doubted for a second, as I wrote that. Yes, written communication can lead to misunderstanding, but more often in chat. Mails are a little better in that regard in my experience. Because they are saved and seen by many people, is easier to analyze what has been said, context, etc.

    But in general I would say, both can generate misunderstandings, but lets say mail is easier to settle down.