Comment by bruce511

Comment by bruce511 2 months ago

5 replies

Cooking for yourself is a trope? You realise that's what most of the world does every day.

If making your own meals is literally out of your reach then I feel really sad for you. That must truly suck to be so dependent on companies just to eat...

pdimitar 2 months ago

Are you being obtuse on purpose or are you really desperate to "win" this debate?

EXTREMELY OBVIOUSLY I meant this part of your comment:

> As long as you keep signaling to MD that you'll tolerate more and more crap for lower prices, they happily oblige.

That is the trope many use, yourself included. A lot of people signal their displeasure with various status quo. Still nothing changes. I wonder how does the one-dimensional quote above addresses the messy and complex real world out there.

  • bruce511 2 months ago

    Sorry, it wasn't obvious to me. I misread your point.

    I'm not really trying to "win" anything. I'm telling you that you have agency. Whether that means anything to you, or if you do anything with it, I guess that's up to you.

    Personally I'm not looking for my agency to change anyone else or how any company behaves. I don't do it for them, I do it for me.

    I choose to support companies that align with my requirements. If a company makes me feel like crap I go elsewhere. I'm not out to change the world, just choose how I live in it.

    • pdimitar 2 months ago

      Now I look like an a-hole! :D

      It's OK, of course, and yes I take a number of stances out there by supporting one and not supporting another, company.

      My point however was that nowadays that's mostly a feel-good measure. Not the unquestionable actual agency many make it out to be.

skyyler 2 months ago

Do you grow 100% of your own food? It may be helpful for your understanding (and this conversation) to get off the high horse and realise that you're also dependent on companies "just to eat".

  • bruce511 2 months ago

    I never said I wasn't dependent on companies. I very much am. For everything. But I have choices and, when I gave the opportunity, I make those choices meaningfully.

    For example, I don't much care for the McDonald's experience, so I go elsewhere. Indeed on occasion I find going 'nowhere' to be preferable if there's no alternative. I haven't been to MD in 30 years.

    I'm not trying to be on a high horse. I follow a path that works for me, and I don't complain about it. You choose the path that works best for you.