Comment by p0w3n3d
That distinct feeling when reading AI is as if someone who wrote it was compelled to write more words
That distinct feeling when reading AI is as if someone who wrote it was compelled to write more words
I'll always love "If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter."
The most scary thing nowadays is that a lot of people fail Reverse Turing Test. They think that the thing there (the LLM) is thinking... They say "I told chat" etc. If high-ranking people will fail the test they are able to start using AI instead of thinking, or for example impose laws using AI...
tl;dr: AI is looking to convey words. A good author is looking to efficiently convey information.
Because that's literally what it is. Its an algorithm that is continuously asking itself, 'what is the most likely word I should say next?'
Whereas an author that is intending to communicate a point, will start with an idea, write a passage to explain the idea, and then edit their passage to the minimum number of words that most precisely, accurately, and succinctly communicates that idea.