Comment by nly

Comment by nly 2 months ago

6 replies

Stuck on GSuite Legacy (with my own domain) and Google won't let me give them money to upgrade my storage. Workspace too expensive for family purposes.

Recently got a new phone and can't use Gemini with my old GSuite Legacy account.

No migration path back to personal accounts for my family.

When I moved from an email to my own domain years and years ago I just gave them money and added my domain to my account. No fuss.

Google are hopeless. They have all this consumer brand recognition and just squander it on garbage.

Google One + your own personal domain name would be great but presumably they're afraid it'll dismantle Workspace for small businesses.

hdgr 2 months ago

> Google won't let me give them money to upgrade my storage

While not explicitly documented anywhere, they automatically increase your storage limits once you approach a certain margin of remaining free space. That happens around Tuesday-Wednesday, they just add extra 5Gb to your limit.

  • jtylr 2 months ago

    Any idea what sort of margin ballpark we're looking at? With a combination of email and Google Photos I got up to around 97% used a year ago and just had to move older photos elsewhere - would be good to test again if an increase will be given.

    • hdgr 2 months ago

      Huh. Which edition are you on, the no-cost business starter they migrated some users to or the GSuit legacy free? How long did your account stay at 97% space? From my experience, it takes a week to trigger.

      I'm on the legacy free edition, and the auto increase worked for me as of November last year. I'm sitting on 41G used out of 51G limit, with photos taking up 29G. I have a second user in my workspace who also benefits from this feature.

      • jtylr 2 months ago

        I've got the old legacy edition - From memory I took it up to 97 and then panicked and moved things away so email wouldn't bounce. Will try again and leave it a little longer this time. Cheers!

  • nly 2 months ago

    I'm 10GB over my limit, so no... they don't.

    • hdgr 2 months ago

      Since the whole thing is not documented anywhere, it's hard to rely on or exploit. From my experience, it works.

      Check out search results on "gsuite legacy storage increase 5gb", multiple users reported on their experience with it. It looks like extra space is granted if you're close to the limit, but not over it, for ~1 week.

      There are also single reports on Google taking back the extra storage - back to 15(17)Gb - for people with extreme (ab)use of the feature, who stacked hundreds of gigabytes through 5Gb steps. Couldn't verify any of them.

      I'm using 50-license GSuite since 2009, if that matters.