Comment by rcxdude

Comment by rcxdude 2 months ago

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Presumably, if the GP comment hasn't switched yet, then there's a bit of a shortage of options. So it's entirely possible that there's a shortage of doctors in general in the area, and a doctor that does care about serving patients in that circumstance will find themselves in exactly the same pattern of behaviour, because there's more need from patients than they can satisfy, so they try to help the most people they can even if that means each person gets less help.

More egregously in that regard, in the UK it's common for doctors to part work for the NHS and part work privately. Anything on the NHS is massively underresourced and so long waiting times for short, overworked appointments are common, but you can get an appointment much faster and with better attention from the same doctor if you pay. But then even these private services are starting to have too much demand, because the problem is more structural as the population grows and ages, while investment in the education and training, not to mention reasons to stay in the country afterwards, has stagnated.