Comment by dxuh
Multiplayer game development just stinks. It's not because of the networking and the tricky bugs and cumbersome testing setups (fake latency, packet loss, a bunch of open game clients) if you like these sorts of things (though of course that can suck sometimes and does frequently), but if you get far enough, you just depend on everyone you know for play testing constantly. The more people you need per game the worse it is. I worked on a 3v3 game for a couple months and it got really hard to find people to test towards the end. Just imagine making any plans for a group of 6 people. That's almost always annoying. Now try to do that once a week and some of those people don't really know you, so they don't care about being late or flaking out. This is not just annoying, but it really impacts the game. The game requires design and tweaking and experimentation just like any other, but if you can properly play test your game once a week for an hour or two, game design progress is very slow and tedious. I'll never work on a multiplayer game again solo, only with a team at least as large as the number of players the game is designed for.
>you just depend on everyone you know for play testing constantly
I had this problem, didn't figure out the solution till the end of the project- it's bots. Even bad bots are HUGELY important for multiplayer game development because now you can iterate every second instead of every week. I thought bots would be too hard to make for my game, but they really weren't as they don't even have to be good. With LLMs i'm fairly sure almost any type of game can be botted at this point too.