Comment by dlachausse
Comment by dlachausse 2 months ago
This is an unpopular opinion on here, but generative AI is getting very good. I think it will soon be the way non artists create art assets for a variety of purposes. It’s not perfect yet, but it’s rapidly improving.
How so? Can it produce a sprite sheet with a believable 'walk cycle' for a 2D character? Can it produce a rigged 3D model?
As usual, it seems like we're maybe _almost_ there (if you can generate video, like with OpenAI's Sora, you could probably get a walking animation for a character, and I've seen proof-of-concepts which produce not-rigged 3D models), but it seems like AI can't do a lot of things that you would want for game development.
The one thing it _is_ really "good" (emphasis on the quotes) at is generating static 2D assets like character portraits, HUDs, item/skill icons, etc. Unity's asset store is now full of gen-AI stuff like this (lots of packs of 1,000 spell icons, which are all basically variations of a 'fireball', except maybe this time it's green, etc).