Comment by robertlagrant

Comment by robertlagrant 2 months ago

2 replies

> Punishment for financial crimes should be calculated based on the average lifetime earnings of a citizen -- if your victims are folks earning at or below the average wage, and you've scammed 100 lifetimes worth of average earnings, it's as if you've murdered 100 people.

Can this precedent be extended to the money wasted with failed government projects? But maybe on lifetime taxes rather than lifetime earnings, to be fair.

gmd63 2 months ago

That's not even close to comparable. You vote for elected officials to pass bills that are attempted and sometimes failed. And often failed projects produce things of value to society so I'm not sure how you would factor that in, for example if you'd like a refund on the Challenger explosion. You don't vote for criminals to take your money.

  • robertlagrant 2 months ago

    > And often failed projects produce things of value to society

    True, although also, criminals buy things and pay VAT.

    > You don't vote for criminals to take your money.

    I vote for elected officials who pass bills (if I were American) that allow/disallow criminal activity.