Comment by makapuf

Comment by makapuf 2 months ago

2 replies

Maybe, and I see your point, but there are few alternatives to having them on a cig pack, whereas you could not dye your food and remove this label. As a consumer, the choice is rather simple (for me at least)

dylan604 2 months ago

Simple has nothing to do with it. The point is that people ignore warnings all of the time for various reasons. Some people look at the risk/reward factor and decide the risk isn’t that bad. Some people have no idea what the risk means and ignore it. People go sky diving even after having to sign all of the liability release forms, make a video recording while reading a release statement, etc. in Hawaii, there are signs that suggest people to not travel any further due to safety reasons and by proceeding further you do accept all liability. Nobody stops there, and the vast majority don’t even stop long enough to read the sign.

The point being that humans are bad at weighing risk/reward and make bad decisions all of the time.

  • makapuf 2 months ago

    That may be true and I'm not against legislation to rule dangerous things out. I think however that big red warnings can be useful sometimes. Well, maybe not red in this case.