Comment by scotty79

Comment by scotty79 2 months ago

4 replies

At some point in your life you'll look back at your past and notice how much of the hard work you did amounted to very little of your wealth and how most of your wealth can actually be attributed to gambles you took and won, even though similar people took similar gambles and lost. How the most work that contributed to your wealth wasn't particularly hard and some hard work you did actually delayed or diminished your success. At least you'll see it if you are going to be an honest person not one of those "I did it all by myself!" self-deluders.

alvah 2 months ago

At some point in your life you'll realise that not everyone thinks the same way as you do. Hopefully it happens for you before your mindset seriously dents your future prospects.

Your original assertion "There's absolutely no way to earn wealth now" is ludicrous: was it possible a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago? Did anyone become wealthy through methods other than gambling or inheritance a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago? If even one person did, this disproves your assertion, unless you want to claim some as-yet-unmentioned recent change that made it possible then and impossible now.

Your supporting theory about gambling is only true if you define every single choice you make in life as a gamble to some extent, which is a weird way of thinking about the world.

As for the "you didn't build that" stuff & snark, I don't recall claiming I did anything all by myself, nor did I see anyone claim you have to do everything all by yourself to "earn wealth". Nice strawman.

  • scotty79 2 months ago

    > At some point in your life you'll realise that not everyone thinks the same way as you do.

    Of course. There are many people who are wrong.

    > Hopefully it happens for you before your mindset seriously dents your future prospects.

    My future is already secured.

    > "There's absolutely no way to earn wealth now" is ludicrous: was it possible a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago? Did anyone become wealthy through methods other than gambling or inheritance a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago?


    > If even one person did, this disproves your assertion, unless you want to claim some as-yet-unmentioned recent change that made it possible then and impossible now.

    Only if you insist on treating the assertion rigidly which is unwise for all assertions pertaining to any other realm than math.

    > I don't recall claiming I did anything all by myself

    Ah, so you are a person who thinks whatever is said is about them specifically.

    > nor did I see anyone claim you have to do everything all by yourself to "earn wealth". Nice strawman.

    It's a well known psychological observation that people who achieved success typically misattribute it disproportionately to themselves even if they know it was pure chance.

    • alvah 2 months ago

      "> "There's absolutely no way to earn wealth now" is ludicrous: was it possible a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago? Did anyone become wealthy through methods other than gambling or inheritance a month ago? a year ago? a decade ago?


      You should seek professional help.

      • scotty79 2 months ago

        I'm doing perfectly fine. Just never subscribed to protestant/capitalist myth. Thank you for your concern.