Comment by inglor_cz

Comment by inglor_cz 2 days ago

5 replies

"Metric is precise and logical but harder to use in stressful situations."

That fully depends on your cultural background. Feet, miles etc. are so foreign to me that I would be unable to calculate with them under stress.

But I am not a pilot nor a navigator, so...

throw5959 2 days ago

No, it doesn't. I'm European, never used imperial before I became a pilot, and it's easier. Check it out, the formulas are much simpler to do in your head. Intuition doesn't matter, all that matters is that I can do the calculations quickly so I know I'm within parameter limits.

  • s1artibartfast 2 days ago

    I'm curious which ones you find easier? There or a few thermodynamics equations that are much more practical in SAE. This is because the many units are often developed out of within discipline experiment, whereas metric tries to use fundamental units across disciplines.