Comment by michaelt

Comment by michaelt 3 days ago

1 reply

> I have hesitation in letting people see what I read [...] privacy is something we all value.

Other people are replying to you acting like this is strange, but it's actually something normal people do all the time.

Every politician being interviewed from their home for TV news, every professor recording video lectures, every remote working CEO, and every twitch streamer has considered what is on display behind them.

If I choose shelves as my background, do I want eagle-eyed viewers to see my copies of playboy, my figurines of naked anime ladies, and my copies of the communist manifesto and mein kampf? As a matter of fact I don't.

kristiandupont 3 days ago

I get that sentiment, it's not like I would put everything on display indiscriminately.

However, a statement like this "they might glean the nature of your thoughts", strikes me as .. lonely, if nothing else. I want privacy from Facebook and the general public, etc. But people that I invite into my house are people I am going to have conversations with and I want them to know the "real me", whatever that means, or at least a closer approximation of it. I certainly wouldn't want them to think that my political beliefs are something completely different from what they actually are.