Comment by gunian

Comment by gunian 2 days ago

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yup on and off since nov 22 with no reasonable end in sight. got hacked, identity stolen, almost died twice. no meaningful support most outreach folk are invested in referrals or perscribing medicine after one meeting

all city territories have kind of been divvied up so you never know whose area you are in people try to start fights for dumb reasons. horrible family no friends no resources

got a lil money saved up in case things take a turn for the worse so I can euthanize myself but we'll see odds are not looking good but considering the family I come from not unexpected just working on accepting

my mistakes I can acknowledge and accept which gives a little bit of closure the hardest part for me has been realizing the people i called family and friends kind of set this up and just dealing with the dissonance of it all and the sudden lonliness.