Comment by lmm

Comment by lmm 2 months ago

2 replies

One person's short attention span is another person's intolerance for bullshit. One person's poor mental health is another person's emotions appropriate to the actual state of the world. The kids these days are doing great in all the ways that matter.

chabska 2 months ago

Put a short straight-to-the-point instructional video on youtube, gets praised for being the best of humanity, "You win the internet today sir". Put the same video on TikTok, suddenly it's brain rot.

mlyle 2 months ago

> One person's short attention span is another person's intolerance for bullshit.

If a student asks a friend a question, and then drifts off into space before the two sentence answer has been delivered, that's not great.

> One person's poor mental health is another person's emotions appropriate to the actual state of the world.

Perhaps being prone to anxiety attacks, panic, and self-harm are what we need to meet today's challenges head-on.

> The kids these days are doing great in all the ways that matter.

Hey, not everything is negative-- we live in a world with more interpersonal kindness and tolerance than a few decades ago, and that's great. But the kids aren't alright.

Especially teen girls. It's impossible to escape curated content encouraging social comparison to edited, perfectly curated standards of perfection.