Comment by motorest

Comment by motorest 2 months ago

3 replies

> A lot of people are simply pessimists and will dismiss real authenticity because they don't have the tools to recognize it.

Do you think you have those tools? And if you do, do you actually have them?

You are purposely being shoveled content that's expected to be engaging. Your feedback is used to tune your own personal model to maximize the volume of content you swallow.

pizza 2 months ago

If I ever get to know you, remind me not to recommend you books I think you’ll like.

  • motorest 2 months ago

    The mistake you're making is presuming that these recommendations are pushed to you with your best interests in mind. Read up on propaganda attacks such as the infamous alt-right pipeline.

    • pizza 2 months ago

      If we believe people can't be trusted with free access to ideas because they might become 'radicalized' or potential ’useful idiots’, we're advocating for more social control, not less. The ability to think critically isn't threatened by exposure to ideas - it's threatened by a broken social contract that deprives people of the conditions for self-actualization and genuine autonomy. Banning platforms or content just scapegoats symptoms while ignoring this deeper crisis.