Comment by cryptonector
Comment by cryptonector 2 months ago
> > They cannot protect you AT ALL from covid or any small viruses
> Oh my, next you'll be telling me COVID was/is a hoax and that the earth is flat.
You left out the part where it says so on the box. You're also changing the subject from the horrible and unjustifiable masking of children. Changing the subject is an implied concession. Making up a strawman is pretty desperate. Masking the children was horrible and unjustifiable, and you know that quite well. And you know what, I thank you and the others who engaged in it for it because now no one will be able to do that again for another hundred years. Covid Zero ended in China because the CCP found the limit of what people would tolerate without revolting -- all those petty tyrants clad in full body PPE were going to be getting killed, that much was clear. Here in Texas all that crap got nipped in the bud real quick and next time will be much quicker.