Comment by aag

Comment by aag 2 months ago

3 replies

If I shut down my Google Workspace account, will all the videos my users have posted on YouTube be taken down?

Also, long ago, it was possible to set up an individual Gmail account with a domain. Is that still possible?

mukunda_johnson 2 months ago

I don't think so. If you find otherwise (without any stupid MX/forwarding magic), let me know! Silly that the price keeps going up when I'm basically only using their spam filter.

No idea about Youtube accounts.

  • gardnr 2 months ago

    One way to send and receive email from your vanity domain in the free version of gmail:

    # Use Cloudflare Email Routing.

      * Point your MX records at their MX.
      * Cloudflare forwards email to your address.
    # Use AWS SES or some other transactional mail provider.

      * In Gmail Settings: "Add another email address".
      * Add your SMTP settings in the new account.
      * There is no need to configure IMAP or POP3.
alecco 2 months ago

It would be good to have backups in any case.