Comment by mileycyrusXOXO
Comment by mileycyrusXOXO 2 months ago
That's a poor analogy. It's more like they censor their citizens so we should censor ours!
Comment by mileycyrusXOXO 2 months ago
That's a poor analogy. It's more like they censor their citizens so we should censor ours!
No, it's a perfect analogy, you just don't like it. If you actually had a valid point, you'd bother to explain the issue, but you didn't. Telling.
The US isn't censoring it based on content anyway -- in fact, the US government's ability to censor much of anything based on content is severely constrained by the First Amendment -- the US doesn't like the fact that it's controlled by the PRC. But blocking businesses from a rival nation is a trade issue, not a speech issue.
China is a rival and opponent of the US on the geopolitical stage. It's entirely reasonable to respond to trade restrictions with trade restrictions.