Comment by Yawrehto

Comment by Yawrehto 2 months ago

3 replies

I don't like AI being used in anything remotely creative.

I don't draw, not well, but I write, slightly better. I occasionally ask WordPress to have its AI generate a little blurb for me, and always wind up deleting it. It takes something I can't really describe, my voice I guess, and sucks it out. It homogenizes my writing to try to make it fit some bland ideal. I imagine to those more keen on art than I, AI art is similarly off.

And yes, stories are not the primary use of Gmail. But in business, words matter, and two seemingly synonymous words can be quite different, and two words that seem opposite may not be. I have a friend who teaches law, and they mentioned it was quite easy to tell which students cheated on one particular assignment discussing contracts. If I recall right, material contracts are a type of contract, and AI made up immaterial contracts.

While this mistake would hopefully be obvious, other mixups might not be, with potentially serious consequences.

soared 2 months ago

I agree, though in my job I send many many near-pointless communications. Many jobs you are just required to pump out garbage, and AI is real good at pumping out garbage.

blitzar 2 months ago

> I don't like AI being used in anything remotely creative.

Should be good for the workplace then.

gpm 2 months ago

> If I recall right, material contracts are a type of contract, and AI made up immaterial contracts.

Fun fact, a rogue LLM impersonating a human in the 17th century is also how we got the term "imaginary" numbers. It also wrote some truly terrible philosophy but it started with a pithy sentence so everyone remembers it.