Comment by ok_dad

Comment by ok_dad 2 months ago

2 replies

> hostile government

I don't recall us being at war or anything with China. For example, most of our crap is made there and shipped here with barely a look. If China were truly hostile and combative like everyone claims, they could literally import bombs and spies via those means.

Is this just the Red Scare 2.0? I've had way more issue with American oligarchs and politicians fucking over America's values and our way of life than China in the past few years/decades, that is for sure.

Maximus9000 2 months ago

If buying a plastic toilet bowl cleaner, I don't care where it comes from. If buying a 5G network equipment, we do care. Most of the stuff we buy from China is plastic junk.

  • ok_dad 2 months ago

    > Most of the stuff we buy from China is plastic junk.

    You're making an error by discounting China's manufacturing prowess these days. There are plenty of companies there making products that you would be amazed about, and the plastic crap is simply because of momentum at this point. Japan used to make a lot of crap in the post-war era, until they started making the best electronics and blew the US companies away.