Comment by donatj

Comment by donatj 2 months ago

2 replies

No, I despise their stock feature. It was just easy to set up, but is fundamentally terrible in every aspect. The rub is I have a bunch of stock with them from the start of the pandemic and am pretty sure there is no way to move it to another service without triggering a taxable event.

So I guess I don't care in that I don't care enough to lose money on switching, or complicating my taxes even further by utilizing multiple investment firms.

radicalcentrist 2 months ago

They have an option to do an ACATS to another brokerage account. They do not mention specifically, but it looks like this would be considered a stock transfer "in kind" which should not be considered a taxable event.

  • donatj 2 months ago

    Oh interesting! Thank you kind stranger