Comment by devsda

Comment by devsda 2 months ago

4 replies

I guess the future is

1. Friend sends an apology email drafted by LLM.

2. Email gets summarized at the receiver end in the daily AI email "summary" which might be something like

You have a scheduled cake tasting this weekend. Did you know there's a bakery near your office that makes wedding cakes too. By the way your friend Joe can't make it to the wedding, do you want me to send a reply?

3. Reply email gets summarized by AI.

"Your friend acknowledges that you cannot rsvp. Do you want to schedule a wedding gift delivery on their wedding day ? XYZ neighborhood/online store has a sale next week".

mosquitobiten 2 months ago

4. Awkward situation ensues when you both meet at a location AI recommended to you both just after telling it to lie about your schedule.

noman-land 2 months ago

You can skip the piles and piles of linguistic bullshit and wasted energy with a json API.

  • TeMPOraL 2 months ago

    I.e. another scenario that could (and should?) be handled entirely through a calendar app?

  • madethisnow 2 months ago

    why would anyone email, you can just send a letter in the mail?