Comment by monophonica

Comment by monophonica 2 months ago

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I would say it is the perfect metaphor.

I love audiobooks but at this point, most of what I want to listen to is stuff that would not sell enough to bother having someone read.

There are also many voice actors who I simply don't like the way they read.

A future that I can pick a voice that I like for any PDF is a huge upgrade.

I think a problem people have is if on the young side, maybe didn't expect the future to change like this.

No one I knew went on the internet when I graduated high school. Change like this is all par for the course. The only advice I got in high school from a guidance counselor was that I had a nice voice for radio. Books on tape was not exactly a career option at the time. The culture will survive the death of a career path that didn't even really exist when I was a senior in high school.