Comment by op00to

Comment by op00to 2 months ago

1 reply

There are some differences between dairy in the US and elsewhere. US dairy cows produce milk containing A1 beta-casein, a protein that some studies suggest may cause digestive discomfort. In Europe, cows often produce A2 beta-casein milk, which some people find easier to digest.

Dairy products in the US tend to contain more lactose, and French/Italian dairy products have less due to the prevalence of aged cheeses and fermentation.

There are many other differences, and none of these seem related to some sort of mystery-makes-you-shit-yourself additive.

BenjiWiebe 2 months ago

A2 is starting to be a thing in the US.

<selfpromotion>We sell uncolored raw milk cheddar cheese made with A2 milk, if someone has an issue with cheese in the US give ours a try!</selfpromotion>