Comment by Animats

Comment by Animats 2 months ago

4 replies

I recently went to a gas station where the pump worked right! No affinity cards. No car wash offer. No asking for a ZIP code, since I'd been there before. No screen with ads. Press card against RFID reader, select octane, pump gas.

I went inside and complemented the worker on their pumps being so easy to use. I go back there occasionally, even though the station with the ad screen is cheaper.

_sys49152 2 months ago

nah - gas pumps that ask for phone numbers for savings card id's are great opportunities to save cents at the pump. 555-555-5555 always works everywhere and half the time gets you savings.

  • brantonb 2 months ago

    Enough people use 867-5309 as their grocery loyalty card's phone number that it's often got savings available at the gas pump. Use the local area code. It works great for filling up rentals while traveling, too.

willis936 2 months ago

I go to a gas station that blares ads at an ear piercing volume. I now keep duct tape in my driver's side door.

boredumb 2 months ago

I went inside and complemented the worker on their pumps being so easy to use, He. Did. Not. Care.