Comment by programjames

Comment by programjames 2 months ago

2 replies

> The school system isn't perfect, and is hard to improve due to many reasons, but this doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

The people you hear giving up today have tried to fix the system. It's a little insulting to insinuate otherwise. When I was in high school, I tried to start a CS club, but no one was interested. I helped run MATHCOUNTS at the local middle school, and we had five people show up on a good day (<1% of the student body). Most students don't care anymore, and why should they when you have to fight the school to take AP Biology as a freshman? Gifted programs are being eliminated in the name of equity, and common core standards are lower than they ever have been. A friend who immigrated in seventh grade said America's seventh grade math classes are years behind China's (and she went to a better school than me). How do you get years behind in seven years?!

I don't think it is possible to fix the education system. The student body has adopted an anti-learning culture, administrators are lowering standards to raise their metrics, and most teachers would be wholly unfit for an ideal classroom, let alone the ones they're supposed to oversee nowadays. I am all for "burning the house down". I think the best solution would be to fire everyone, raise salaries by 10x, and then hire back 10% as many people. After all, the professorship pyramid scheme has lots of PhDs who might be interested in teaching for $300K/year.

crabbone 2 months ago

I don't insinuate otherwise. It doesn't matter how much they tried. The way forward is to keep trying.

  • programjames 2 months ago

    Why? To someone who has given up on the education system, why should I try to fix it, instead of burning it down and remaking it in my own image?