Comment by pixl97

Comment by pixl97 2 months ago

1 reply

Because the internet is filled by slop shit by people trying to make a buck from it.

It's like saying I don't know how to recognize non-spam when I end up blocking 99.99% of all mail showing up at the server.

I do recognize non-spam, it's just that I know most of it is crap.

snoman 2 months ago

I don’t know that it’s people trying to make a buck - and that seems a bit silly of a thing to say to begin with. I presume you try to make your buck doing whatever it is you do.

What I will say is that it’s definitely a different form of expression from what we’ve had beyond recent history and - at the same time - artists, photographers, painters, jesters, philosophers, and playwrights have been trying to live off their form of expression for a while now too.