Comment by steve_avery

Comment by steve_avery 2 months ago

1 reply

Wow, this made me really emotional. And even though I definitely did not expect a chill Bali DJ set as the motivational link, it also resonated with me in some way.

I can't think of a more honorable way to move through life. I liken the act of closing shop at this point for Hindenburg to the legend I know of Cincinnatus, the Roman emperor who did the job of emperoring and went back to his fields when it was done.

It also moves me how the team is described, as being from whatever background, but all moved by the same fire. I wish that I could be a part of something like that. What the hell am I doing with my life?

dabauws 2 months ago

Being pedantic here, but Cincinnatus was never Emperor. He was, though, twice given "Dictator" powers by the Roman Senate during the Republican era.