Aloisius 2 months ago

That's an argument against all food dyes including natural ones.

Given color improves the enjoyment of food, I'd argue it is useful though.

  • pants2 2 months ago

    So let's ban all artificial food dyes. Natural ones work fine. Artificial dyes lead to a race of food manufacturers adding more dye to make their junk food products more appealing.

throwaway290 2 months ago

"Presentation of food" is not "nothing useful". People who see basically eat with eyes. Like plate/food ratio can make you overeat. Or some food can be totally fine, but if it is just made to look bad for example rotten/expired it can be vomit inducing. Just like if someone says you just ate something bad, if you think what you eat is harmful the body will react

If there is no food coloring at all would we eat better? I bet yes. But we can't get there now. It will not pass any vote

zeroonetwothree 2 months ago

Color is important for appeal and flavor. Otherwise we would never color food.