PaulDavisThe1st 2 months ago

Can't watch YT shorts because their algorithm is too good also ...

  • soylentcola 2 months ago

    I disable them with a browser addon (and Revanced on mobile) because I seriously never want to watch a 30 second video on Youtube. Having to scroll past useless snippets when I'm looking for something had borderline-ruined Youtube for me.

    • PaulDavisThe1st 2 months ago

      there's some astoundingly good shit on there. some japanese cabinet maker who does phenomenal stuff and conveys it all in 30 secs. so much more. but so much more, in fact, that i can't risk my life/time by stepping into the stream.

      first time i did that, i finally realized that this is probably the tiktok experience that so many other people are talking about. utterly terrifying.