Comment by georgeecollins

Comment by georgeecollins 2 months ago

2 replies

Lots of countries have made it illegal to listen things like Radio Free Europe. I'm guessing you can't in North Korea. On the other hand, a US citizen that wants to get the Chinese perspective on anything has lots of ways to legally find that and repeat it. I am not saying a lot of people in the US are interested in a foreign point of view, or that the US doesn't have tons of propaganda. But I don't think you can convince anyone that the two countries treat speech the same way.

motorest 2 months ago

> On the other hand, a US citizen that wants to get the Chinese perspective on anything has lots of ways to legally find that and repeat it.

What do you mean by "Chinese perspective"? Do you mean people's genuine opinion or the official government talking points?

  • tremon 2 months ago

    Is that distinction material to the point the GP is making?