Comment by crystal_revenge

Comment by crystal_revenge 4 days ago

5 replies

> TikTok has such a culture of authenticity and realness

I'm shocked how easily manipulated people are by social media. The vast majority of TikTok content is very intentionally produced, largely to attempt to generate revenue or, at the very least, to feed ones ego.

The "real" people you see on there are all, to different degrees of success, actors. Nearly all of the spontaneous/I can't believe this happened!/caught on camera style content is entirely staged.

Likewise all of the "freedom of speech must be protected" posts are laughable. Everything on TikTok is ultimately created for and prompoted to ultimately drive profit.

This movement to 小红书 is also, surprise surprise, not some spontaneous movement. The people at 小红书 have intentionally be working on becoming a TikTok replacement for awhile now.

Virtually all media you see is very heavily filtered and manipulated to ensure you're getting the right message.

hxegon 3 days ago

> This movement to 小红书 is also, surprise surprise, not some spontaneous movement. The people at 小红书 have intentionally be working on becoming a TikTok replacement for awhile now.

Provide literally one source for this. literally any source.

  • crystal_revenge 3 days ago

    They completely revamped the UX from being essentially an instagram clone focusing on pictures and written content, to increasingly a tiktok clone focusing on browseable short form video?

    Are you going to need similar evidence if I claim that YouTube has been working on being a TikTok replacement as well? It's pretty clear that YouTube created the "shorts" feature as an attempt to allow TikTok creators to trivially repost content.

    • mangolychee 2 days ago

      Considering the TikTok UI is a clone of 抖音's UI, it's more likely that 小红书 copied 抖音 rather than TikTok. 小红书's primary market has always been China and overseas Chinese, foreigners were an afterthought up until this past week.

ryandrake 3 days ago

It's the same kind of mentality that thinks "reality TV" is about real people and not intentionally produced performances.

glurblur 3 days ago

No 小红书 is literally not a TikTok replacement. The app is only very partially short form video, while most of the posts are more like pinterest. If you are talking about the recent UI changes that made it look like TikTok, I'm sorry to break it to you but I think that's just a coincident.