Comment by LinXitoW

Comment by LinXitoW 2 months ago

3 replies

Yes, but at least in the USA, I constantly have to hear shouting about how "free" everything is whenever I ask for sane regulations (guns), or something like universal healthcare.

If USA was actually so free, that would at least be consistent. But now I don't get TikTok, AND kids have to run around with bullet proof vests? I get all the bad, none of the good.

Every voting citizen should remember that this TikTok ban was bipartisan. That means they all cared more about this than ANY other sensible legislation. Banning child marriage? Nah! Protecting the childrens physical bodies in school was not as important as a hypothetical "mind attack" from TikTok.

They've literally said "Better a dead kid than a red kid"

spencerflem 2 months ago

This is real though- the only other bipartisan bill they passed was the "Crucial Communism Bill" ie. a mandate to teach anticommunist propaganda in schools

bigstrat2003 2 months ago

> But now I don't get TikTok, AND kids have to run around with bullet proof vests?

WTF? In no way do kids have to wear bullet proof vests. That is a very odd statement.

> They've literally said "Better a dead kid than a red kid"

They have not literally said that.