BenjiWiebe 2 months ago

"everyone knows" that unlimited basically anything has limits.

I'd be shocked if CF actually allowed you to use a couple hundred PB/month for free. And that's still finite!!

  • michaelt 2 months ago

    > "everyone knows" that unlimited basically anything has limits.

    Right. But the answer to the question posed in the title - "Why is Cloudflare Pages' bandwidth unlimited?" - is that the bandwidth is not, in fact, unlimited.

    At the start of this thread, i_have_an_idea said "The reason it's free and with unlimited bandwidth is that it's not" I think they, you, and I all agree on that.

    What I don't understand is the other people in this thread, who seem to take cloudflare's marketing puffery at face value.

    • ignoramous 2 months ago

      > What I don't understand is the other people in this thread

      OP said, "Unless you stay very small ... you'll realize the service is neither unlimited nor free" ... is what I commented on.

      • michaelt 2 months ago

        Yeah, to be fair the 60TB/month of outbound traffic you mention would cost ~$4800/month if you were doing it via AWS cloudfront. Cloudflare's free tier is pretty generous if they're providing that for $0.