Comment by deaddodo

Comment by deaddodo 2 months ago

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I'm a huge proponent of incarceration reform, especially in regards to making the system more rehabilitative versus retributive. But it does no one any good spreading FUD.

> there's jails / prisons where prisoners do labor in exchange for very low compensation

Sure, but the work isn't allowed to be for private entities. They're doing government-related busywork in 99% of cases (pressing license plates, printing/cutting papers for the court, working on machinery for the police/courts, working the kitchen, etc.)

More importantly, they're not just paid monetarily but receive reduced sentences for the work.

> Considering you get billed for being jailed, I would personally prefer working than to mount up debt I have no way of managing.

You're conflating two separate systems. Prisons are where you go for long stints and generally worry about Good Time/Work Time. You can't be charged a daily fine for prison time.

Jails are intended for short stays (the drunk tank, transport to court arraignment, etc) and can have daily fines attached, in most states. In cases where county jails are used post sentencing for short-moderate stays, daily fines are generally far more limited/disallowed.