Comment by pdonis
> I think stiffness is an ok term if your aim is to maintain a field centric mode of thinking.
"Stiffness" to me isn't a field term or a particle term; it's a condensed matter term. In other words, it's a name for a property of substances that is not fundamental; it's emergent from other underlying physics, which for convenience we don't always want to delve into in detail, so we package it all up into an emergent number and call it "stiffness".
On this view, "stiffness" is a worse term than "mass", which does have a fundamental meaning (see below).
> Mass as a term is particle-centric.
Not to a quantum field theorist. :-) "Mass" is a field term in that context; you will see explicit references to "massless fields" and "massive fields" all over the literature.
Do you also object quarks and gluons having "color" charge?
Mass is a bad term because it's loaded with so many meanings and equivalences already. But also in the kindest and most accurate reading here it still doesn't naturally lead to explaining why some forces have limited range the way that term "stiffness" does, which was the whole point of the article.