Comment by zem

Comment by zem 4 days ago

3 replies

I'm kind of the opposite, I can't bring myself to let go of my collection of paper books, or even to stop buying a new one every so often, but I do not like the physical experience of reading one nearly as much as I like the experience of reading on a phone or kindle. holding a book in one hand and turning a page with a click is a really wonderful way to read.

tsujamin 4 days ago

The standard I arrived at is roughly "would I be sad if, in 15 years, I forgot about this book/piece of music?". If it's something that I enjoyed so much today that I'd be afraid to lose it amongst 10,000's of eBooks or songs on a streaming platform, I physically buy it.

  • snoman 3 days ago

    I like this. I do something similar; I ask myself “Am I buying this for the knowledge inside it, or the experience of it?”

    I buy the latter. Be it a comic book, photography book, or something else. Those are artistic experiences for me.

jhbadger 4 days ago

Exactly. I've even gone to the trouble of getting ebooks of physical books that I have in some cases. I vastly prefer the size and weight of an e-reader as compared to most books, plus the ability to change the font size to something I can easier read as opposed to the small fonts often chosen by paper books to minimize pages.