marvin 2 days ago

Another way of phrasing the situation is that Quantas _very inconveniently_ chose to put their flight path straight through the projected trajectory of rocket debris.

whataguy 2 days ago

Qantas doesn't own the flight path either?

  • rising-sky 2 days ago

    Oh common?! Do you own the travel path when driving down the highway? No you don't but there are agreed upon and codified rules on right of way that protect your right to safe passage or navigation. Similar convention applies to air space and air travel, look up Annex 2: Rules of the Air by ICAO which outlines right of way principles for air travel

    • robertlagrant 2 days ago

      What does it say has right of way between a rocket stage, that cannot be steered, and aircraft, that can?

      • hulitu a day ago

        > between a rocket stage, that cannot be steered

        This is just trash. Debris as they call it.

        If drive in front of you on a highway and throw some "debris" out of the window, will you enjoy it ?