Comment by cge

Comment by cge 2 months ago

2 replies

>who knows if that'll work ever again

Unless you restrict your nix files to specific channel revisions, which when I had to deal with it was poorly documented, and involved searching through specific channel commit hashes in a particularly opaque way, you also can't know that your nix derivations will ever work again.

A number of people on my field used nix as a way to make their research code repositories reproducible, and everything broke within around three years.

edude03 2 months ago

Yeah that's a ux papercut - pre flakes nixpkgs was always the nixpkgs on your machine. There is docs but if you're not expecting that to happen you wouldn't think to look up the docs.

  • lreeves 2 months ago

    I think expecting everyone to enable a still-experimental feature is more than a papercut.