Comment by qvrjuec

Comment by qvrjuec 2 months ago

2 replies

Huh. What are your interests? I'm curious why you think they would come in conflict with those of the US.

I'm confused why you think China's interests are irrelevant to you, unless you truly believe geopolitics is a zero-sum game. We compete in markets, militarily in the indo-pacific, and technologically in ways that are not mutually beneficial.

panic 2 months ago

The US government generally works to maintain harmful institutions like health insurance, gun manufacturing, prisons and policing, etc., and will oppose me through violence if I work to weaken these. They can restrict my access to things online and control what online services I can run via laws like SESTA/FOSTA and this TikTok ban. China can't do any of that to me. I'm less concerned about geopolitics given our massive military and the position of the dollar, not to mention our cultural influence via the Internet (which bans like this directly weaken).

[removed] 2 months ago