Comment by dceddia
Tin foil hat on?
I suspect they also benefit from the massive amounts of data gathering. A huge portion of the entire internet's traffic is going through Cloudflare, SSL-terminated. It's like being plugged into the server-side (unblockable) access log of every website. That would be worth a lot.
I also suspect their support of web attestation is not benevolent. With the level of control they already have, it's increasingly possible for them to flip a switch, with the full support of Apple and Google and Microsoft, so that only authorized devices have access to the web. curl on Linux? Not authorized. Outdated OS? It's up to Apple whether they feel like signing your request – can't expect them to support it forever! – but also you can't access that website without their approval.
I feel like a conspiracy theorist here but this stuff just seems way too close at hand.
Well, with all due respect, I reckon that tinfoil hat really accentuates your character, Light reflecting as it’s drawn toward the aluminum and all.