Comment by dani__german
Comment by dani__german 2 months ago
Don't forget that I am saving my own children at the """expense""" of other, usually very disruptive if not outright violent children. Make sure to add that to the list of grievances.
A nice bit of irony is that the same top down, authoritarian control your comment strives for is the same sort of control that prevents schools from improving themselves. Massive government control enacted to fix some social ill or another hobbles admins and teachers, preventing them from punishing disruptive kids, and thus ruining the teaching environment.
The idea that the government owns or in anyway deserves control over our children must be opposed, with arms if necessary.
"Improving" a system your opponents control by sacrificing your children's safety and education is a bad idea. The United States has several good options for parents to avoid the hell that modern antiracist educational doctrine has created.