Comment by pixelpoet

Comment by pixelpoet 3 days ago

9 replies

Author is perhaps better known for his really great path tracer (and attendant blog), Psychopath:

Also, I have to wonder when this fad of loudly announcing when something is written in Rust will finally come to pass. Maybe software written in other languages should loudly announce it in every second sentence? To me at least it's become as self-aggrandizingly cringe as "Sent from my iPhone" at the end of every email...

mattdw 3 days ago

When it’s a library of code, the language it is written in is pretty pertinent information as that’s the language it has to be consumed from…

  • pixelpoet 3 days ago

    I get that of course, but on the other hand I'm sure you know what I'm getting at too: users of certain languages, platforms etc feel the need to announce it as a point of pride, or feature in itself, and frequently. Every language will have this to some degree (with the possible exception of COBOL, lol), but there are definite outliers.

xboxnolifes 3 days ago

I think you've just become primed to reflex on seeing the word rust. The Readme has only 2 uses of the word rust: the header, and in the features. One tells you the language the library is for, the other is used as context for a type.

ricciardo 3 days ago

Think about the implications of the language though. When something is written in rust, management of memory is safer, multi threaded applications are safer, etc... (due to the nature of the language). If something is written in C++, the developer might be more inclined to review the code and tests to ensure proper handling of memory as well as determining if (when there is) non-deterministic behavior is safe. Hence, when highlighting something is written in Rust, it might not be just for the buzzword but also for something like developer confidence.

J_Shelby_J 3 days ago

When it stops baiting engagement with these sort of comments, probably.

uecker 3 days ago

Maybe it is already considered an achievement if someone manages to write a program in Rust.

keybored 3 days ago

I for one am fed up with people advertising that they are using rope for their string implementation in an editor or editor-adjacent library. Ugh. We get it. Niche datastructure, woah so cool. You really went above and beyond and read that appendix to your data structures and algorithms textbook...!

  • Validark 3 days ago

    Is it advertised a lot? I know the basic idea of Ropes and that it's used for scripting languages a lot but I haven't seen it in ads. Maybe I haven't looked at enough new editors though.