Comment by fidotron

Comment by fidotron 2 months ago

2 replies

Overly specific weaseling. (Not by you, by Cloudflare).

The questions are not about if they were approached or participate in any programs, it's what they do and if they provide the data or not.

wumeow 2 months ago

Again, an offhand comment about an email from the DHS is given all the weight in the world while a direct statement from Cloudflare is nitpicked to death.

  • fidotron 2 months ago

    The whole point is it's not a direct statement. It is a lot of words which fails to answer the core question: is cloudflare syphoning data off to any of the Five Eyes (and I almost wrote Five Guys . . ) government intelligence agencies or their allies?

    For example, in your link: "One of the ways we limit the scope of orders we receive is by limiting the data we store. I have written before about how CloudFlare limits what we log and purge most log data within a few hours. For example, we cannot disclose the visitors to a particular website on CloudFlare because we do not currently store that data."

    So if they are MITMing everything they totally could just send everything out straight away and not contradict what they're saying at all. Them storing the data or not is completely beside the point.