herewulf 2 months ago

If your mail is extremely low volume, you might like Migadu's low cost plans. They charge by number of messages in/out rather than per domain or something. It's been handy for me for a few lightly used domains including resurrecting one that the previous owner had let expire and then suddenly needed.

I've kind of been waiting for an excuse to make that move for my solo freelance business. It's probably not enough of a price difference to push me (+$24/year) but it really irks me to be forced into subsidizing this garbage.

I occasionally do office document stuff which Workspace had been nice for and I can't be bothered with Windows/Office so maybe time to revisit LibreOffice or maybe go full on Emacs.

  • ycombinatrix 2 months ago

    Can I reject incoming emails, or am I screwed if I get a ton of spam?

    • herewulf 2 months ago

      That's a good question for which I couldn't find an answer on their site. They recommend getting in touch[1] for questions not answered. The lowest plan[2] allows 200 inbound messages per day which even including spam seems sufficiently high for a handful of inboxes.

      The HN audience is more likely to be impacted by FOSS mailing lists and so that could be a legitimate concern.

      In any case, their key advantage over competitors is not charging by user and allowing unlimited domains.

      [1]: [2]:

artooro 2 months ago

I'm considering moving to Fastmail for email and calendar, for cloud files. It would be annoying to have separate logins for each though. One nice thing about GWS was a single login for all the apps.