Comment by gosub100
So the deep state is smart enough to take over the corporation and inject all this secret squirrel tech, but didn't think to cook the books to make it look like a marginally-profitable (but boring) business?
It reminds me of the counterargument to UFOs where they say "so the UFO flew here from 100 light-years away, through extreme cold, deep space, intense radiation, dodged space rocks, but as soon as it came into a lukewarm atmosphere with a modest gravity and tame weather, it crashed into a field in New Mexico?"
To be fair, you could see how a vehicle designed rigidly for extreme cold, extreme vacuum, zero gravity, etc. might fail catastrophically when introduced to modest temperatures, a modest atmosphere, and a modest gravity.[1]
It wouldn't say much for the foresight of the alien designers, mind.
[1] "100 KILOpascals? KILO? I thought you said milli, you blithering nixflorp!"