Comment by fnordpiglet
Comment by fnordpiglet 2 months ago
Not to be “that guy” but you did reply to someone saying “most other countries” with a counter argument citing three, then waved away the fact you’re unaware of most other countries. That’s where the pushback is coming from. The US tends to be a little more progressive than the middle of the pack in this space and set the global standard for food safety regulation where none existed before. The cherry picking of a few examples when discussing global comparisons is fraught and the US always exists in this world where whatever topic there’s always some other place doing better on some metric used as some argument the US is a steaming pile of refuse with wandering zombies laden with cancer and illiteracy. It’s not intellectually honest or particularly helpful in discussion of the actual problems. Anyway - that’s where the pushback came from, not that these three countries regulate food dye additives better or not.